The Legend of Mr. Foot

By: James Santiago

Of a time before the time you read... A great man held the respect of the people. Many deeds did this man accomplish. A hero, a genius, a merciful person and a great person. All who knew Mr. Foot loved Mr. Foot, for he was by and for the people of Spokansville. Mr. Foot's hometown.

All loved him except one... One so devious, so eeevil, that he could only hate the dogooder. His name? Tyler Terraform! He sits ever elusively in his not-so-secret-secret-hideout(I know about it so what's the big secret?). He seethes at how Mr. Foot is so pure. When Mr. Terraform is a beta-mutant. A mutant flunky that has gained power through his pure eeevil.

But not to be discouraged! Mr. Foot is undefeated. A champion of champions. He is the next best think to a super hero(sorry no tall tells about fictitious characters). Mr. Foot is yet normal. Would you like to know where he got the name Mr. Foot? Well he got it from his parents. But would you really like to know why he became thee legendary Mr. Foot. This is what this story is for. You will learn oooohhh yeassssh you will.

The legend of Mr. Foot...

"Ohhh Miiister Fooot," called Ms. Brown.

Ms. Brown could already hear the heavy footfalls through the forest. Here he came. And fast. He arrived in his famous foot logo t-shirt. He seemed like he just stepped out to get air instead of looking exhausted like anyone else who cut down fifty trees.

"Here is the first five trees Misses. Brown," Mr. Foot said cheerfully. He set them down next to the barn for Mr. Brown to cut. He insisted on it and Mr. Foot didn't say otherwise.

"Oh Mr. Foot you can call me Misses. Brown," she smiled.

"Well I'll just stick with Misses Brown if that is fine with you," he replied.

"Ok," she said.

Mr. Foot jogged off to get the rest of the lumber. In less than an half an hour he had fifty logs stacked higher that the barn. With a simple wave of his hand he off into the dusk. Misses. Brown sat in the doorway of her small country house.

"Oh Mr. Foot, he should be on a talk show," she said.

"I recken he ain't the type to worry about the big city," Mr. Brown said from behind ",he's that one type of people that go around and help other people for free. What do you call that again?"

"Insane I think," she said.

Mr. Foot sat on his bed thinking. Should i tell my mom? I have no clue, what will she do with me gone. I recken this needs to be discussed today.

Mr. Foot left his room and found his mother in the kitchen cooking his breakfast. He gathered his courage little by little. He took a few steps closer.

"Mom," Mr. Foot said.


"I was uh thinking."

"About what my little muffin."

Whisper ",Gosh mom, not in front of the narrator."

"Well what is it?"

"I want to go to the big city and make a livin'," Mr. Foot spit it out.

Mr. Foot's mother gasped. She then grabbed a plate of food and dramatically dropped it on the floor.

"Oh *** I can't believe it but I must," she said(you would of heard Mr. Foot's first name but a cow gave a very loud moo).

"Yes I know," said Mr. Foot ",when do you think I should leave?"

"Oh right away!" she said "No son of mine is going to be kept up by his mother!"

She then left and returned with a duffle bag.

"I packed all your stuff just for this occasion," she said.

Mr. Foot looked dumbfounded.

"I just had that stuff in my room wher-."

"I don't know ask the narrator!" she cut off."

She pushed him out the door and the lock click right behind Mr. Foot.

"I recken I got to get goin'" he said.

And then Mr. Foot started his one hundred and seventy six mile hike to the city of Spokansville.

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